1/15/13: Journal 1 due. Topic: Tell me about your
experience in ENC 1101. What do you feel are the strengths you gained?
How was your class structured? What do you feel you needed more
assistance with?
I enjoyed my ENC 1101 course. I have always loved to write and I thoroughly enjoy reading. I had Professor Warren first time around which is why I happily reside in a seat in 1102. I learned how to do peer critiques which were not always easy based on group members essays.
I feel I am a strong writer but do have issues at times with comma splice. I really enjoyed learning the different types of essays and how to best utilize my skills to persuade or inform my readers. I often go a bit carried away when righting my essays as far as their length is concerned. I would get on a roll and just keep going. It may have been a bit discouraging to my group members who were critiquing due to its length but my point was well taken.
I feel like I could use some assistance on choosing a topic and staying focused on not running away with my story.
Great start. Welcome to blogging!