Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Journal 8: Class assessment

I enjoy English as a whole.  I enjoy writing and love to read.  I can honestly say that blogging is a new venture but not one that I could keep up on a regular basis unless I was paid for it. Watching the documentaries this semester both thrilled and disturbed me.  I was thrilled to be watching films that I could formulate essays from.  The films took away from the chance for writer’s block that I often got when picking my own topic.  I, on the other hand, was deeply disturbed by some of the subject matter of the films especially Forgiving Dr. Mengele.  I cried during many of the films but to watch children be tortured by a sick person tore away part of my very soul.  I do not understand how someone could be as evil and demented as to perform experiments of children or people in general.  I understand the need to medical research but do not believe it should be tested on animals or people.  The idea of diving in a dumpster to retrieve discarded food was gross to me.  I am a germaphobe and there were parts of the Dive that disgusted me and made my stomach turn.  The film about the education system in low income areas struck a cord with me as well. Thankfully my family is fortunate to live in a middle class area with a great education system for my stepchildren to attend.  Watching the children in the film sit and wait to not have their number called made me cry because they like all children deserve and chance at a better education and not being a statistic.  I am glad that I was able to take Professor Warren for both ENC 1101 and ENC 1102.  She is a great professor with a great sense of humor.  I hope to see her around campus in the future.

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